That's how it usually goes.
That's how it usually goes

I look forward to an initial contact by phone or email. You are welcome to present the matter to me here and we will see if I can be of any help.
Free introduction in 30 minutes
We'll meet for this personal meeting in my coaching room, your office, online or wherever you feel comfortable. Here you will get to know me and how I work. Here as well the task will be clarified. If everything fits and we'd like to work together, I'd be happy to make you an offer as soon as possible.


The coaching and consultation process
Trust is the basis of successful work. We will try to deepen this. Where you are at now will be determined and goals defined. Through active listening and with the help of a wide variety of methods and knowledge, I'll try to move you towards your personal goals.
A coaching could consist of 1 to 10 sessions. Within this framework, we should be able to achieve good results. I'd be happy to offer you a free evaluation interview about 3 months after completion.